Here is the complete internet FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, on American judicial and legal corruption
- the most hidden and ugly secret about life inside the modern United States. Information for the many victims
of USA legal injustice, and for anyone seeking to understand America's terrifying legal system, and how America really
works. Why American lawyers and judges are destroying families, sending innocent people to prison, and why average
working people cannot get justice in American courts. This FAQ is especially important, because America's major
news media are afraid to talk about wrongdoing by lawyers and judges. Here is the truth that the U.S. media knows, but hides
from the public. This information in this FAQ may be re-published without charge, even in full, by anyone, anywhere,
with acknowledgement of author and source. Here's the table of contents, a list of just the questions; there
are 30 questions total in this FAQ. Click on the question to go to the answer. Questions
(Click on question to read answer):
1. I've been a victim of wrongdoing by a judge or lawyer - where do I start in getting help?
2. I thought America was a "free country" with the "greatest legal system in the world"
- so why is my situation such a difficult problem?
3. What about the grievance procedures for dishonest and criminal judges?
4. What about the local Bar or Bar association - Aren't they supposed to go after crooked lawyers
and judges?
5. Why is it so hard to find a lawyer to fight legal or judicial corruption, why are all the lawyers
afraid to help me?
6. Aren't there lawyers who specialize in "legal malpractice" or misconduct by lawyers?
7. I read about crazy lawsuits for trivial reasons where people win money - so why can't I find
a lawyer to fight serious issues of legal corruption?
8. I had a lawyer in my original legal case, but he acted weak, timid and stupid in the courtroom, he
didn't try to strongly defend me - Why was that?
9. What about prosecutors and police - won't the prosecutors or the FBI go after crooked lawyers
and judges?
10. Is it true that once I become a victim of judicial and legal corruption, I basically become an "outlaw"
to the whole legal system in America?
11. Is it just a question of money - could I fix things if I had some money?
12. Why doesn't someone fight this whole big crooked system - What is keeping all of this going?
13. But with the judges so out of control in America, aren't there rich people and political groups
that have even more power than the judges?
14. How is the power of the big corporations in America, connected to the abuse of power by judges and
15. What kind of a deal is in place between America's judges and lawyers, on the one hand, and the
corporations and multi-millionaires?
16. I couldn't get help from my political representative, about my battle with a crooked judge or
crooked lawyer - Why won't the politicians help me?
17. So the current state of legal corruption, is really supported by both political parties, the Democrats
and the Republicans together?
18. Is the problem of judicial and legal corruption, the same as the problem of "political activist
judges", or is that a different issue?
19. There are so many organizations out there - isn't there an organization that will help me fight
wrongdoing by a judge or lawyers?
20. I've got great evidence, and an important story, of judicial or legal corruption. How do I get
the news media to cover my case?
21. What about investigative reporters - won't they be interested in my story of legal or judicial
22. What about the alternative or radical or foreign news media - won't they be interested in my
story of legal or judicial corruption?
23. What about the professors at the law schools - aren't they studying and writing about legal
24. There's all these rich business executives getting convicted now, like Martha Stewart - Doesn't
that prove that the system is really working?
25. What about being my own lawyer in court, and filing lawsuits against legal corruption on my own?
26. What things should I keep in mind in dealing with lawyers?
27. What is the history of how judges and lawyers got so much power in America?
28. Is the problem of legal and judicial corruption really different or better in other countries, or
is it just the same as in America?
29. So what can I do to fight my personal battle against judicial and legal corruption - or is it just
30. What is the best thing happening to fight judicial and legal corruption in America?